Sunday, May 25, 2008


So we get home from church today and Christian says on our front porch, "eww look at that spider", then daddy replies, "woah, that is a big one, kinda looks like a black widow...wait, that isn't a black widow is it??" I squat down to get a closer look, and sure enough...big round black body, bright red spot on the underside....EEWWW A BLACK WIDOW SPIDER! This thing is seriously living right there on our front porch stairs. So after the photo shoot Matt heroically squished it and hopefully there are no family members nearby.


Amanda said...

Hey Leslie! Im glad i found your blog!
Ew?! Are you serious? I've never seen one of those before. Scary!

Likely said...

so sick.

Allison said...

I got goosebumps just looking at those pictures!! That is one good thing about the heat of the desert - not too many spiders!

Monson Family said...

When I saw the pictures, I thought it was a fake one! haha