Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 21

5 of My Biggest Pet Peeves

1. being ready to leave and having to wait on people who don't seem to think it is important to get somewhere on time...or at all.
2. moms or dads that smoke around their kid, especially in a car.
3. going to a grocery store and them not having an item that they should have.  (happened at 3 stores yesterday!!  had to settle for something similar...lame)
4. realizing library stuff was due yesterday.
5. sitting down to watch a DVR'd show and having it cut off 5 minutes before the end.

These are pretty basic pet peeves.  I always think of them when they happen and then can't remember when someone asks what they are.  So this is all I could come up with today.  
Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Mauri said...

Ha, Ha, ... those are some pretty good ones actually. They are all on my list.